
What’s On in the Norfolk Broads – February Half Term

05 February 2013

If you are coming to Barnes Brinkcraft this Februay half term, there is lots going on in the local area to keep you entertained .  We still have limited availability on our Norfolk Broads Riverside self catering, check out the offers page …

Saturday 16th February
Chinese Dragon Childrens Workshop 11.30am – 1.00pm @ The Norwich Puppet Theatre.  After constructing the basic puppet form, your child will be free to create the puppet’s character using the vast array of materials provided. The only restriction will be their imagination and at the end they will have a wonderful puppet to take home!

Saturday 16th – Sunday 24th February
Bogglewish Bonfire @ BeWILDerwood 10.00am – 5.30pm,  Guess the wishes of your favourite BeWILDerwood characters, warm yourself around the BeWILDerwood bonfire and make your wish for the coming year the secret Boggle way…..

Bogglewish Bonfire at BeWILDerwood

Saturday 16th – Sunday 24th February
Signs of Spring week @ Fairhaven Woodland & Water Garden, 10.00am – 5.00pm,  Celebrate with us by looking for signs of Spring in our gardens to win a prize.

Saturday 16th – Sunday 24th February
Teddy Bear Express @ The Bure Valley Railway – see website for train timetable Join our new mascot Bear for a week of fun! Free travel for every child who brings it’s own teddy when accompanied by a fare-paying adult. (maximum of two children per adult.)



Monday 18th February
Nesting Necessities @ Norfolk Wildlife Trust (NWT), Hickling Broad, 10.00am – 11.30am. How can you provide a great home for a great tit and a safe spot for a sparrow? Join us at NWT Hickling Broad before the start of National Nest Box Week to find out about the nesting bird basics. Don’t worry about the weather, we have a warm retreat of our own in case of rain!

NWT at Hickling Broad

Friday 22nd Februay
Crafty Creatures @ Norfolk Wildlife Trust (NWT), Hickling Broad, 1.30pm – 3.00pm.  Join us at NWT Hickling Broad to create woodland works of art; look out for wildlife as we collect natural materials, then use these materials together with some clay to create masterpieces on the trees.



Friday 22nd Februay

Hard Rain playing at the Dog Inn @ Ludham  8.30pm – From Bob Dylan to Johnny Cash, from Amy Winehouse to Sade, and from the Beatles to Frank Sinatra – even some Blue Grass and Country, local band.

Swimming Pools

The Marina Centre, Great Yarmouth, 01493 851521
Riverside Leisure Centre, Norwich 01603 625166
Splash, Sheringham, 01263 825675


Odeon, Riverside Norwich, 0871 224 4007
Cinema City, Norwich 0871 902 5724
Vue, Castle Meadow, Norwich 0871 224 0240

Wellington Bowl Great Yarmouth

Regent Bowl, Great Yarmouth, 01493 856830
Wellington Bowl, Great Yarmouth, 01493 845947
Hollywood Bowl, Riverside Norwich, 0844 826 1466





Theatre Royal, Norwich 01603 630000
Norwich Puppet Theatre 01603 629921
The Maddermarket Theatre, Norwich 01603 620917
Norwich Playhouse 01603 612580


All information given is correct to the best of knowledge but is not guaranteed.

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