
Had a fantastic holiday and now fancy buying your own boat?

18 September 2012

Have you ever returned home after a fantastic boating holiday wishing that you could do it all again the following week / weekend?  Why not look into buying a boat of your own.

At the end of the season we sometimes sell off some of our hire cruisers and these can often be an ideal starter boat for families who have never owned a boat before.  They usually have a single, small diesel engine which is easy to maintain and economical to run, are easy to navigate and have roomy accommodation.  Take a look at our boats for sale on the Norfolk Broads which are sold for us by our sister company Norfolk Boat Sales.

Alpha 31 – ex Barnes Brinkcraft hire

Owning a boat need not be as expensive as you may think – Norfolk Boat Sales have used boats for sale from under £4000 (although admittedly these ones are on the small side!) but take a look at their website for some ideas.  More and more people now are looking at a boat ‘share’ option whereby they buy a boat with members of their family or friends with similar interests.  By doing this you are sharing the initial outlay, the cost of mooring and servicing but also the boat will become a more viable option because it will be used more.

What could be nicer than watching the weather forecast on a Thursday evening, seeing wall to wall sunshine for the weekend and knowing you can throw a bag into the boot of the car and spend the weekend on your own boat, lazing around on the river?

Norfolk Boat Sales have three offices, Wroxham, Brundall and Lowestoft and our staff will be pleased to help you find the boat that best fits your requirements.  They are also quite happy to go through all of the costs involved with owning a boat and help find you somewhere to keep it.


Wroxham Office  01603 781178
Brundall Office   01603 71181
Lowestoft Office  01502 517711

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